Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Twas the Night Before Injection One

Dear Eve Believe,

Today I went to do my baseline ultrasound and blood work.  This will give the doctor something to compare my other blood work to as this process continues.  I know I have snapped this picture before, but it reminds me of you.  And... I am attempting to be optimistic.

Here's a picture of me waiting to get the exam... because... yay, this is finally happening?

Everything looks good so I have the go ahead to start injections tomorrow.  In the morning, I will be mixing and injecting Menopur and in the evening I will be injecting Gonal F.  I've reviewed, in my head, multiple times how to mix the Menopur and I hoping it will go smoothly.

I've also read tons of blogs about tips and tricks about Menopur because I've read it burns.  The game plan is to mix the Menopur when I get up and let it sit for 10 or so minutes before injecting it.  I also am going to use a half cc instead of one full one since the nurse said that was fine and I read the medicine stings less that way.

In the evening, I will be giving myself Gonal F, which I've read is very easy and the side effects are not that bad.  I plan to have that out for about 10 minutes too, since it is currently in the fridge, before administering it.

I am not nervous about giving myself shots, but that may change tomorrow when I have to actually do it.  I am more eager to get this show on the road.  I have everything set up in the nursery for tomorrow.
Don't mind the back yard!
I have my tackle box on an end table so I can easily mix, and the comfy chair I planned to rock you in (but will now be sitting in to stab myself in the stomach with needles), my calendar so I can cross off the injection I took, and my believe sign with Alice in Wonderland figurines by it.  Here is a close up:

Your Grandpa sent me those for Mother's Day.  This is my favorite part of the room because it makes me feel like you are close by and rooting me on.

I also finished coloring my calendar for this month and wanted to take a picture of it because it reminded me of my goal: to bring home a rainbow.

However, as I was taking pictures, somebody insisted that the calendar was on the floor for him to sit on... because of course it was.

WhiteWalker says this is how he cheers me on

I miss you and love you always.


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