Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Stepping back

Dear Genevieve, 

I made the really hard decision to step back from the friendship I have with your godmother. Right now she is not a healthy person to be around and I'm so sorry I can't be her friend right now. It's one of those lessons you learn growing up and throughout your life, who you should be around and who you shouldn't. 

Your godmother married someone who was incapable of being a good companion. She knew this going into it and even questioned whether or not she should follow through with getting married. I told her if there was a question in her mind to not get married; however, she thought she would be embarrassed if she called it off so she didn't. Now she's unhappy most of the time. 

As much as I love your godmother, every bad situation she's been in is because she put herself there, and I can't stand by and watch it anymore. It wouldn't be good for me to continue to be friends with someone who hurts herself. I tried to encourage her to get help. I really did. But I can't make her do anything she doesn't want to, and so excuse after excuse was made and no steps of action were taken. 

Genevieve, had you lived, I would have taught you that it's strong to ask for help and how to get out of bad situations. I would have encouraged your independence and courage. I would have taught you that sometimes you have to step away from someone and I'd be here for you when you did. 

So I'm sorry that I have to step away from someone I'm sure you care about, but it is what is best for me at this time. 

I love you. Always. 



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