Wednesday, April 19, 2017

New Hope

Dear Infertility,

This is just a friendly letter to inform you that you suck.  Seriously.  You are a thief of hopes and dreams. You're all around terrible.  Just. So. You. Know.

I know what you do.  First, you search for people of good character who would be excellent parents.  Then, you sneak around when they do not suspect it and snatch their hope.  You hold it for ransom. Jerk.

Well, I've decided you are not allowed to take my hope.  I am keeping it.  I've gone too long and been through too much to let someone the likes of you get in my way.  I'm an angel mom, and there isn't anything harder than that.  Not. Even. You.

So I will go to my doctor's appointments, I will take that medication, and I will stick myself with needles.  And I will get to bring home my rainbow baby.  You watch me.  It's happening.


I feel so much better writing that.  I can hardly believe I am going through my first cycle of IUI.  I am nervous and excited.  I have a newfound hope.  I walked into the office and was very excited to see this sign that read "Believe in the Possibilities".  It reminded me of my Eve Believe.  It was as if she sent this sign just for me, just to put a smile on my face.  I love that little girl.

I have a feeling this process will be a whirlwind.  I just went to my first ultrasound appointment.  Apparently, I have a good looking uterus and ovaries.  Note to ovaries and uterus: stay that way.

Medication starts tomorrow evening and I am not looking forward to that.  I am hoping I do not have any side effects.  I am guessing since it will mess with my hormones that it will.  Side note: how does one get pregnant so easily the first time and then it becomes increasingly difficult?  I thought people are supposed to be the opposite...

My next appointment is the 28th.  I am hoping everything still looks perfect and I only have to go through this one time.  Fingers crossed.

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