Saturday, April 18, 2015


Dear Eve, 

I can't help but think about your godmother's speech at your memorial. She said she would teach you about giving back to others. She's a very good example of that because she volunteers for a crisis hotline and works with foster children. 

Your dad and I give back in our own ways too. Your dad donates blood and I decided to crochet hats for other stillborns and donate them to the hospital where you were born. We both always donate to the kitties at Pet Smart. 

You may not be here physically, but you give back to me and your dad through little messages and incidents. That is what gives us the courage and inspiration to give back in your name.  

As I wrote you before, I decided to crochet baby hats for the stillborns at our local hospital. I have over twenty hats so far. I plan to wash them in baby detergent and seal them so the mothers can have a smell to remember their babies by. I'm going to call them Genevieve's Gifts, unless you inspire me to come up with another name. 

Every message you send, fills me with joy. I'm excited for your next message and hope it will be soon. I love you and miss you always. 



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