Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 26- Gratitude

I know I am a day behind, but I'm going to use the opportunity now to catch up. 

Thank you. Thank you to all of you who read my posts and remember Genevieve. Thank you to everyone who has given me a shoulder to cry on, checked in on me, and told me they loved me. A special thank you for all of you who cried with me. Thank you to the nurses who held my hand and cried with me throughout the entire traumatic experience and the hospital chaplain who checked in on me the next day. Thank you to the pastor who baptized my stomach because I was so worried she would go to pergatory, even though I don't believe in pergatory and I'm not catholic, but was on so many drugs and wanted the reassurance. Thank you to my brother and parents who watched me after her birth even though, I'm sure, they would have rather been somewhere else. Thank you Jake because without you, I'd be under a rock somewhere for sure. Last, but certainly not least, thank you sweet Genevieve. I know you were not with me long, but you've changed my life. I love you so much. I know I will see you again on the other side.

Chrissie Rickmon's photo.

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